Friday, December 21, 2007

My first poem


I’ve never understood why people are such?
Hiding behind faces,
Conspiring at fast paces,
Never really understating the meaning of friendship that much?

Some friends say that they would die for me.
They gave loud claims that they would always be by my side,
Never leave me no matter how tough the ride,
But these are always the first to betray thee

But you my friend are not like the rest,
You’ve stood by me through every sorrow,
Never caring about the implications it would have tomorrow,
That’s why my dear friend your one of my best…

I know that something plagues your mind,
A cross which hurts you and burdens you like many a stone,
But don’t worry you will never be alone,
To leave you in pain, never in my heart I’ll find.

Please remember that at any time you will find me,
Cause if I ever lost a friend like you,
The first thing I’d do,
Is from my mortal body, let my soul free

Saturday, December 15, 2007


The boy sat on the roof of the broken-down old church playing a familiar old tune on his old guitar, smiling when Mia slowly came forward and touched his cheek. She smiled back as she moved the stray strand of hair that fell over his eyes.
He liked playing this tune, especially to her, an old friend who always stuck by him no matter what happened. He never had any romantic feelings towards her and neither did she towards him, she was actually a few years younger than him and stuck by him since she had no where else to go. Her parents had been killed by some street punk who decided that it would be easier to rob them with bullets pumped all over them. She stayed in a foster home for a few months but ran away after suffering under the lecherous hands if the caretaker, she stayed in the streets ever since…
It was a cold winter when she found him; he was lying on the snow exhausted and with a high fever. She felt sorry for him and took him into her temporary tent taking the old guitar he was carrying with him. She took care of this boy who seemed to be just fourteen but his rough hands said that he had lived two lifetimes of hardships and labour. She took care of him for two days, doing what ever was in her power to make him well again; after all living in the streets makes you lonely…
When the boy was well enough to walk, he told her that he had to leave and asked her if there was any way he could repay her and she made a simple request that he was hesitant to comply to but soon he agreed…
Two years had passed, and he was glad that he made a friend like her. She helped him overcome his weakness and, unknowingly removed the great burden of guilt he had in his heart. He smiled as he continued playing the old song. He heard the unsettling rumble of a heavy truck coming in towards their small street. There was a truck and a military jeep coming towards their street with logos of the Empire State painted on them. The vehicles slowed down and a man with an imposing mustache came out and ordered that all the people on the street be rounded up and taken into the truck, every one knew that the truck went to the new “shelters” built by the Empire where carbon monoxide would be released while the slept. The Empire claimed that the shelters helped reclaim the lives of the poverty stricken innocents, bringing down the states poverty level by half, Neo-Nazi Scum.
The both of them got ready; they had done this so many times before. They slowly walked towards the ground floor landing, towards the gate. A soldier was quick enough to catch her and slowly whisper; “you’re a good catch, maybe I’ll keep you…for purposes.” Slow impudent soldier he never noticed the back of the guitar come loose, the hand quickly get in and pull out that well used sawed off shotgun and quickly make a gaping hole at the back of his head. The other soldiers heard the loud report and quickly ran towards the direction of the sound. The boy was quick enough to pick up the Ingram from the soldiers body and quickly spray bullets all over the soldiers, followed by another spray from the dangerous dual carbine that was in the hands of Mia.
The gun battle lasted only for a few moments, because their general, slimy as he was shot Mia on the leg and was quick to hold her hostage. He ordered the boy to drop the guns and approach him slowly with his hands in the air. As the boy did so he grinned stupidly at his false victory. The boy just went closer and closer casually saying, “Don’t you want to see the fear in the eyes of the man you’re about to kill?” the general grinned even more stupidly and asked him to remove his shades. As the boy did so he gasped in surprise, then in horror as he felt the knife that the boy made appear from nowhere quite quickly pierce his thorax.
As the general went down he realized that he had the honor of being killed by The Hollow Eyed Gunslinger.

Friday, December 7, 2007

My Friend's Poems

These are two poems dat belong to two really good poets and amazing people. I just couldn't help myself i had to post it here

by Ayushi Singhal

I know he loves her
I know he cares for her…
But..but what bout her??
Does she care??…
He has tears in his eyes…
His voice is sorrowful…
I cry too..coz hes my friend…
But im helpless…what can I do for him??
I wish I could tell her about his feelings…
Make her understand..oh how I wish….

He sits with his head in his hands…
On the narrow piece of land,
By the river…,
His tears are lost in the water…
No one cares…oh but me…
How do I tell him hes a gem,
How do I get them together..oh how..
It pains me..yes it does…
I ask god for help,
But there is no reply,
Will there be no end to this sorrow..??
I see no light of hope…
I see no light of joy..
His life is ruined’
And so is he…!!
Will she never understand??
Will she never love him??
Oh why is she so rude…
It doesn’t tune in with the mood…
Wish she were kinder..
But she chides him..
And yet he loves her more..!!!

Today I see him dying for her..
Craving for her..
But where is she..??
She is lost somewhere…
Somewhere in this world
Where no one knows
And no one could see..!!!

By Tanya Mukherjee

though i try my best to fit in...
this cryptic world and its prodigies..
its pulling me in...closing around me.
i feel so insecure.
so apathetic.
So detached. So remote.

i cant see the light.
i cant even think.
cant reason…
cant feel...
cant love..

everything is a swirling mist of emotions played out in my mind.
I hate what I’ve become…
I want to change, but I can’t;
That’s the problem,
I’m going insane…

This feeling of helpless grows…
I fight it off, wounded as I am.
As I lose, I feel it pulling at me…
Another piece of soul, fading away.
What’s left inside me, doesn’t want to stay

Who am I?
What do I believe?
When will I finally set myself free?
When will I forget the past, and push it away…
Start anew.
A new beginning?
Is that too much to ask for,
To stop the nefarious voices echoing in my head,
I can still hear your thoughts.
I want this to end.
I want another chance,
to prove myself right.
My repentance outshines my sorrow and blight.
I’ve had enough of this world,
Im sick of myself.
I hate myself for being so servile.

All I need right now,
Is peace of mind…
Calmness and serenity
I want to feel it overcoming my darkest fears.
I want to break free,
Spread out my wings and soar.
Someday, your carping won’t hurt me anymore…
All I need is to taste my freedom, to feel effervescent again.
And I need you to hold me, while I just cry…
And maybe in a million years,
You’ll understand,
That I just wanted you to love me…

Tribute to all fantasy stories

He felt the cold wind on his face…it was refreshing, it seemed to caress his skin and kiss his lips like a lover far, far away. He took a deep whiff of the sweet fragrance of the wind and looked eastwards, “Thank you Maria” he replied to the wind.
He started running over the rooftops with thoughts of Maria in his head, he knew that she missed him and the fact that she sent her personal wind was proof enough. She reminded him by that small gesture why he was there and what was his purpose. He had to hurry he didn’t want to be caught by the jinn, terrible wind-spirits with no other work but to terrorize the innocent people of the country; they should have all been sealed up a long time ago. But there were some who were generous and helped the people in times of need and it was impossible to differentiate between a good jinn and an evil one as they all looked the same except for the color of their inner wind.
He certainly could not any of the jinn from the protector class catch him now, no- that would be too dangerous; after all he was going to assassinate an important government official. He had absolute hatred for the man, the man who called himself his uncle, the man who had killed his father so that he could woo his mother “just like Hamlet” he thought, laughing at the irony since he always thought Hamlet was crazy and disillusioned and that he died in the end. His mother was made up of stronger substance and ran away with him to the far deep forests. In the forests he met the wise wizard of the silver moon and his lovely daughter Maria. Together they learned, together they played, and together they fell in love. When his mother died she made him take an oath that he would seek revenge for his father…
Now learned in the arts as he was, he made his way over the roof top looking for his target. He was going to pass a verandah without giving it much importance when he saw a familiar fat shape. He used his magic to make his eyesight better and saw that it was his uncle holding in his arms one of the countless young virgins of the city. This one seemed to be resisting him and his uncle was trying to convince her about something she broke away from his grip and ran into her room. His uncle was about to follow but he couldn’t take it any longer and jumped from the opposite roof and landed right in front of his uncle…
He looked in fear as his nephew came closer with an object that had a faint glint of steel. He began cursing the guard who said that he couldn’t be found and wondered what sin he had done to get to this stage. He began backing up but quick as a flash his nephew struck and he felt a numbing pain at the side of his neck. He knew what had happened; he knew that there was a knife stuck to it and could feel the loss of blood and air quickly taking its toll on him…
He looked at his uncle quivering like a shameless an on the floor, and almost spat on his face. He turned around and saw the young girl looking at him at first with fear, but then with gratitude as she saw that he did not mean to harm her. He just silently jumped unto his cloud and flew eastwards, flying to his beautiful Maria…

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

The Crow

I actually dreamt this yesterday night, and though I might not be able to produce the same effect it had on me let me tell you it was creepy, disturbing and extremely scary...

The little boy sadly looked out of the window, he could see the clear blue sky with its brilliant clouds but it did not bring him joy. He looked at a cloud that exactly looked like his dear old daddy and began to cry on his little black suit that he was still dressed in after the day’s funeral. Being just nine years old was no excuse for God that he needed his daddy more than any one the boy just silently cried while waiting for his mother to come and yell at him.
His mother or rather, technically his father’s wife because his mother had died at childbirth when they were just teenagers, never seemed to like him much. She wished that he was the daughter she always wanted and because of her inability to produce a child, she chose to ignore him. She was an ambitious woman, not that ambition is bad, it is just the manner in which one’s ambition is fulfilled. She always wanted to own her husband’s small diner and make changes to it that she knew which would be revolutionary. But being the old-school man that he was he really didn’t care about the profits because he would even give some meals for free to his less fortunate customers who would always pay there tabs out of gratitude. It was sad news for all that he died, and it was sadder news that she would be the new owner of the diner.
She came storming in yelling, “Boy get out of that nice suit, and stop crying, your dad croaked so what? At least he left me enough money to get rid of you at some god- forsaken boarding school” The little boy began sniffing much more softly but his heart had grown heavier…
Later that night while he was lying down by his window a black crow came in and perched itself on the wooden headboard of his bed. Rather than being intimidated he felt very safe with the crow just above him. Its eyes looked soulless, yet somehow filled with pity...
The crow would return every night to the high rise apartment and position itself on the boys head board. This continued for a couple of weeks till one day his mother walked into his room and instantly threw a shoe at the bird, it hit as it was unprepared and the bird instantly died. His mother walked away with a huff looking for an old newspaper to pick the dead bird up. The little boy started to cry again as he now lost the only friend he had.
A fortnight later he went down to a small alley where he met a boy who was about his age and stated playing marbles with him. After playing for a while the other boy asked him if he could go to his house, the little boy said that he was unsure whether his mother would allow him to bring guests to their house. The other boy said that it would not be a problem and told him to leave it to him…
When the boy reached with his friend back home his mother started abusing him for being so late and for bringing a scruffy vagabond with him. When she saw the scruffy vagabond he brought with him her face turned white and started screaming, our scruffy vagabond smiled sinisterly at her and started to move towards her, she began backing away but soon she reached the window. She looked into his eyes she saw the familiar look of anger she would rarely see in her late husband’s eyes. She was so choked with fear, that she did not realize that he had pushed her out of the window. She fell nine floors down and landed on the pavement with a dull thud.
The little boy was confused with what had just happened, and when he looked at his friend he just saw a familiar smile with eyes that used to shine just like his father. He ran towards the window to look outside and find thousands of crows pecking and fighting away at his mother’s corpse. He turned around to look at his friend only to find a few black feathers…

Monday, November 19, 2007


The little boy was sitting on the grass with his best friend looking up at the clouds. He had known her for six out of the nine years of his life and he just couldn’t help feeling happy whenever they were together playing under the sunshine, that he was told in Sunday school was there because of the grace of God. God, an entity he knew he could believe in, because it was god who gave him comfort when he prayed while his parents screamed at each other, his father was an alcoholic and used to beat his mother up every night. His mother was no better and was addicted to prescription tablets that she bought of the street at four times their actual value.
Sometimes when he was scared his father would come to hit him he would crawl out of the window and go into his best friend’s room which was just opposite. She would always greet him with a smile and they would sit together at night watching cartoons. Her mother, a single parent did not mind as he was a nice kid and felt she needed to protect this poor defenseless thing from his parents. The boy really trusted god because he felt she was sent from heaven to be his guardian angel.
He continued looking at the clouds laughing every time she told him how they resembled on person or the other. He was laughing really hard at one point when she told how one cloud resembled his fat art teacher, when suddenly out of the blue she linked her lips with his. His small brown eyes went wide and still had his jaw dropping even after she finished. She laughed at him and ran forward…
It had been seven years since that fate full day and he still thanked the lord every day for his angel. They walked arm in arm through a small back alley looking at each other lovingly, laughing together without a care in the world, when suddenly he felt pain surge through the back of his head where a steel baseball bat from some where had mad contact.
He fell to the ground clutching his head which was bleeding while a skinhead, who must have been seventeen or eighteen, kept hitting and calling him a woos. His guardian angel could do nothing to stop the brute while he pulverized her love, as she would go to grab the brutes hand, she would be pushed back being abused at for going around with a woos while she should have been going round with a man like him. After making sure that the boy would not be able to stand let alone fight back he grabbed the boy’s angel and flung her towards a broken down car where he proceeded to tear her clothes out. The boy lay withering on the floor unable to move groaning, not in pain but in sadness because he could not protect his angel…
He sat at home staring at the wall, his anger slowly rising to limits he never knew it could reach. He slowly rose up gave a cold smile to himself and started to walk towards the door…
He went back to the same alley the smile still stuck on his face, he saw the bully again who looked at him and said scornfully “What you back feh’ more or do ya’ wanna get done up like u’re little…” before he could complete his sentence the boy took the knife he had been hiding in his sleeve and thrust into the fiend’s throat, the evil smile still on his face…
It was after nine now, no one knew that there had been a murder and the body would be found and treated as another case of on punk killing another, so the case would never be pursued. He looked out side his window where he saw his love opposite looking at him with a worried face telling him that she was pregnant. He looked at her and smiled with compassion and told her that he would take the responsibility of being the child’s father, just so that she would not suffer. Besides it was not the child’s fault that it was the seed of a madman.
From above the clouds in his greatest grandeur God looked down and smiled at his son…

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Bullet in my love

Been some time so i thought ill write a new story...
The boy tried to crawl towards the window. Slowly inch by inch he reached it, he tried to hoist himself up groaning slightly from the pain that his bloodied leg was giving him. He looked outside the window and felt tears swell up to his eyes; he just looked on from that cracked foggy window. The rain outside seemed to personifying the sadness that was present in him. There just outside his window was the girl he loved she seemed to have a smile on her face as she jumped into the arms of the man who did this to him. The man showed his happiness by taking her close and planting a firm kiss on those luscious lips. He couldn’t believe that after all that he had been through to protect her from this… this vile creature that was seven years older than him and had the audacity to call himself a man, she would leave him when he was most vulnerable. He could hear those cruel words echoing through his head over and over again, “A man who can’t win a fight for me is not a man, rather he is a boy. A boy I don’t want”
He tried to sit down the best his leg would allow him to do so, the bullet wound still hurt. He let his back rest on the wall behind him and picked up the pack of cigarettes the man had dropped. Though he had never smoked in his life he decided now was a good time to start as any. He searched around his jacket for a match and found one; he struck it against the floor and lit his smoke. He closed his eyes and tried to remember better times while the smoke he inhaled slowly warmed his lungs.
He remembered how he met his angel; he used to see her after school with her friends slowly sipping the iced coke she would buy everyday. He never spoke to her before but then he summoned up the nerve to introduce himself. She blushed as she smiled at him, soon he got her number and he was on the top of the world. They started going out soon after and could be spotted moving hand in hand at the movies, the mall nearby and the various other places around their area. He deeply loved her and would always think about her, this was evident from the series of sketches that he started making of her soon after. He never set his eyes on another girl though he knew that quite a few fancied him, he also knew that quite a few fancied her because even though she was just fifteen, a year younger than him, she looked like a mature and developed young woman. It was not hard keeping her line of admirers at bay because even though he was not jealous and was sometimes amused, they were scared of him after what he had done to a guy who had slapped her and abused her. A guy who had to undergo surgery to correct is dislocated jawbone.
Every thing was fine till the fiend showed up. The fiend would stalk her whenever he wasn’t with her. The fiend he caught following them a few days back and again today. The fiend told her with flowery words that he loved her and when she refused to reciprocate, he slapped her with that giant hand of his. They both got into a fight, a fight that lead to a dilated factory near by, a fight that the boy was winning, till the fiend tore his shirt open revealing his hidden bulk and taking his sissy gun out that was taped to his leg. A gun that no self respecting man would use since it was small, had only two rounds and was used by those who wished to kill by deceit. She apparently fell for him when she saw the masculinity oozing out of him while he held that small gun in his great big hands. The vile one gave him a sinister smile and pressed the trigger. There was a loud report and even at this close range the man missed and hit his leg. As the boy lay withering in pain, his angel came towards him and said those immortal words.
He opened his eyes now, though he knew it must be because of the extreme loss of blood he felt that he could see the angel of death with her black wings open and forming a shield around them. The angel looked just like his own angel, only she seemed kinder and caring. She gave that smile that he had once fallen for and kissed him. It was over and he lay down dead with a smile on his lips, laughing at the facade he called love.

Sunday, June 24, 2007

To be a Martinian in blood....

these are a few rules dat every True Martinian has in hiz blood...
1] A Martinian is only Born for one thing,... to fear, ...hiz god...
2] A Martinian Lives to pleases one thing, ...his love...
3] A Martinian Dies only for one thing, ....his freinds...

The Code of A Martinian.........

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Vanity thy name is...

21st June....da longest day in da year...
a frnd of mine was tellin me dis story 2day....
Dere was a girl hu had a very sweet boyfrnd... he used to love her a lot, and had proposed to her many times...but each time he proposed to her she would say "I will only marry you da day wen i will be able to see again" the thing was she had lost her eyesight wen she was very small in an accident...he wud nevertheless keep trying and was always let fine day da girl received a call from her doctor, dat sum1 had donated his eyes to the general hospital and if she underwent surgery she would be able to see again....happy that she was she immidiately went for da opperation....after da surgery was over and she had received enough rest...da bandages had been removed frm her eyes and da first thing she saw was a mirror dat her boyfreind was holding "The first thing that i wanted u to see was how beautifull u r" he said. Looking up to see how her boyfrnd looked like she used her new blue eyes to look at a real person for da first time in many years....she saw dat he was a handsome young lad but when she looked at his eyes she saw dat he was blind....feeling bad she again looked at da mirror....she saw how beautifull she looked and was so entranced by her looks dat she kept staring at her reflection and only stopped wen her boy frnd went down on one knee and gave her a ring and proposed to her marraige and said dat he needed to know now as he was leaving dat town forever to join his new job....she looked at him with a new found disgust over his blindness and decided dat now she cud find ne guy she wanted now dat she cud see again and dat new person wud be perfect so, she turned him down again. He felt sad and turned to leave but when he reached da door he turned around and said with smile; "Oh! One last thing, please take care of my eyes......."