Friday, December 7, 2007

Tribute to all fantasy stories

He felt the cold wind on his face…it was refreshing, it seemed to caress his skin and kiss his lips like a lover far, far away. He took a deep whiff of the sweet fragrance of the wind and looked eastwards, “Thank you Maria” he replied to the wind.
He started running over the rooftops with thoughts of Maria in his head, he knew that she missed him and the fact that she sent her personal wind was proof enough. She reminded him by that small gesture why he was there and what was his purpose. He had to hurry he didn’t want to be caught by the jinn, terrible wind-spirits with no other work but to terrorize the innocent people of the country; they should have all been sealed up a long time ago. But there were some who were generous and helped the people in times of need and it was impossible to differentiate between a good jinn and an evil one as they all looked the same except for the color of their inner wind.
He certainly could not any of the jinn from the protector class catch him now, no- that would be too dangerous; after all he was going to assassinate an important government official. He had absolute hatred for the man, the man who called himself his uncle, the man who had killed his father so that he could woo his mother “just like Hamlet” he thought, laughing at the irony since he always thought Hamlet was crazy and disillusioned and that he died in the end. His mother was made up of stronger substance and ran away with him to the far deep forests. In the forests he met the wise wizard of the silver moon and his lovely daughter Maria. Together they learned, together they played, and together they fell in love. When his mother died she made him take an oath that he would seek revenge for his father…
Now learned in the arts as he was, he made his way over the roof top looking for his target. He was going to pass a verandah without giving it much importance when he saw a familiar fat shape. He used his magic to make his eyesight better and saw that it was his uncle holding in his arms one of the countless young virgins of the city. This one seemed to be resisting him and his uncle was trying to convince her about something she broke away from his grip and ran into her room. His uncle was about to follow but he couldn’t take it any longer and jumped from the opposite roof and landed right in front of his uncle…
He looked in fear as his nephew came closer with an object that had a faint glint of steel. He began cursing the guard who said that he couldn’t be found and wondered what sin he had done to get to this stage. He began backing up but quick as a flash his nephew struck and he felt a numbing pain at the side of his neck. He knew what had happened; he knew that there was a knife stuck to it and could feel the loss of blood and air quickly taking its toll on him…
He looked at his uncle quivering like a shameless an on the floor, and almost spat on his face. He turned around and saw the young girl looking at him at first with fear, but then with gratitude as she saw that he did not mean to harm her. He just silently jumped unto his cloud and flew eastwards, flying to his beautiful Maria…

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