Thursday, June 21, 2007

Vanity thy name is...

21st June....da longest day in da year...
a frnd of mine was tellin me dis story 2day....
Dere was a girl hu had a very sweet boyfrnd... he used to love her a lot, and had proposed to her many times...but each time he proposed to her she would say "I will only marry you da day wen i will be able to see again" the thing was she had lost her eyesight wen she was very small in an accident...he wud nevertheless keep trying and was always let fine day da girl received a call from her doctor, dat sum1 had donated his eyes to the general hospital and if she underwent surgery she would be able to see again....happy that she was she immidiately went for da opperation....after da surgery was over and she had received enough rest...da bandages had been removed frm her eyes and da first thing she saw was a mirror dat her boyfreind was holding "The first thing that i wanted u to see was how beautifull u r" he said. Looking up to see how her boyfrnd looked like she used her new blue eyes to look at a real person for da first time in many years....she saw dat he was a handsome young lad but when she looked at his eyes she saw dat he was blind....feeling bad she again looked at da mirror....she saw how beautifull she looked and was so entranced by her looks dat she kept staring at her reflection and only stopped wen her boy frnd went down on one knee and gave her a ring and proposed to her marraige and said dat he needed to know now as he was leaving dat town forever to join his new job....she looked at him with a new found disgust over his blindness and decided dat now she cud find ne guy she wanted now dat she cud see again and dat new person wud be perfect so, she turned him down again. He felt sad and turned to leave but when he reached da door he turned around and said with smile; "Oh! One last thing, please take care of my eyes......."

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