Monday, November 19, 2007


The little boy was sitting on the grass with his best friend looking up at the clouds. He had known her for six out of the nine years of his life and he just couldn’t help feeling happy whenever they were together playing under the sunshine, that he was told in Sunday school was there because of the grace of God. God, an entity he knew he could believe in, because it was god who gave him comfort when he prayed while his parents screamed at each other, his father was an alcoholic and used to beat his mother up every night. His mother was no better and was addicted to prescription tablets that she bought of the street at four times their actual value.
Sometimes when he was scared his father would come to hit him he would crawl out of the window and go into his best friend’s room which was just opposite. She would always greet him with a smile and they would sit together at night watching cartoons. Her mother, a single parent did not mind as he was a nice kid and felt she needed to protect this poor defenseless thing from his parents. The boy really trusted god because he felt she was sent from heaven to be his guardian angel.
He continued looking at the clouds laughing every time she told him how they resembled on person or the other. He was laughing really hard at one point when she told how one cloud resembled his fat art teacher, when suddenly out of the blue she linked her lips with his. His small brown eyes went wide and still had his jaw dropping even after she finished. She laughed at him and ran forward…
It had been seven years since that fate full day and he still thanked the lord every day for his angel. They walked arm in arm through a small back alley looking at each other lovingly, laughing together without a care in the world, when suddenly he felt pain surge through the back of his head where a steel baseball bat from some where had mad contact.
He fell to the ground clutching his head which was bleeding while a skinhead, who must have been seventeen or eighteen, kept hitting and calling him a woos. His guardian angel could do nothing to stop the brute while he pulverized her love, as she would go to grab the brutes hand, she would be pushed back being abused at for going around with a woos while she should have been going round with a man like him. After making sure that the boy would not be able to stand let alone fight back he grabbed the boy’s angel and flung her towards a broken down car where he proceeded to tear her clothes out. The boy lay withering on the floor unable to move groaning, not in pain but in sadness because he could not protect his angel…
He sat at home staring at the wall, his anger slowly rising to limits he never knew it could reach. He slowly rose up gave a cold smile to himself and started to walk towards the door…
He went back to the same alley the smile still stuck on his face, he saw the bully again who looked at him and said scornfully “What you back feh’ more or do ya’ wanna get done up like u’re little…” before he could complete his sentence the boy took the knife he had been hiding in his sleeve and thrust into the fiend’s throat, the evil smile still on his face…
It was after nine now, no one knew that there had been a murder and the body would be found and treated as another case of on punk killing another, so the case would never be pursued. He looked out side his window where he saw his love opposite looking at him with a worried face telling him that she was pregnant. He looked at her and smiled with compassion and told her that he would take the responsibility of being the child’s father, just so that she would not suffer. Besides it was not the child’s fault that it was the seed of a madman.
From above the clouds in his greatest grandeur God looked down and smiled at his son…

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