Thursday, July 1, 2010


So yeah this Blog actually helped me in a way ^^
This is LITERALLY the first time it was useful >.>

Spoke to Kit-Kat, I feel happier now. I missed her.
She is still going through a lot of hurt and that makes me feel bad... She told me how I never was there for her, that kinda stung. But it's true... I was always afraid of talking to her or just leaving a comment on her messages just cause I was scared I'd get too close her and drive her away again.
Damn fear is such a stupid thing.
Somehow I know that by commenting on her blog, I made a mistake. She will most probably think I'm getting too close again and shut me off.
It's just.. I'd rather do something you know? I hate watching her get hurt. If she shuts me off..well at least she will have someone to hate and blame.

Damn Travis, Damn Mike, damn Jar... all these guys just don't understand how special she is. Man in my gut I know Travis is just trying to mess with her feelings again and she is letting him too. I've told her to let HIM work hard for her, about time he should. Love is a two way thing, you never take the other person for granted. It gets me mad to see anyone taking her fro granted
I just hope she finds the right guy for her, ya know?

We video cammed! =D
Damn I had goose bumps when we did and I still do. She looks prettier than ever.
I mean don't get me wrong, I'm just attracted to her.
But seriously wow, I mean I didn't know it would feel this way, Haha I'm still gushing.
I've cammed with Deb before, that girl is so sweet, she looks cute and she is just so adorable.
I feel comfortable with her and I like being with her. Trust me camming with deb is the best thing ever, she makes me smile and remember why I love her so much.

Kit kat... now thats a totally different thing. I feel, excited. I dunno why? It's just, I feel really nervous and I get goose bumps and stuff. Haha it's not even funny! It feels like I'm talking to an attractive girl for the first time. It's special.

Well Deb is the woman I love, Kit-Kat is the attractive girl I like. Thats how it stands.
But even with that... I want Kit-Kat to be as happy as Deb. They both deserve it... God knows how much they have had to go through.

I'll pray for the both of them from now on.
But today... I feel happy ^^

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