Saturday, May 31, 2008


Its raining like hell over here right now and personally, I’m Loving It™. Whenever it rains I so uncharacteristically happy, especially when I just get up from sleep and its raining. When I was eight or nine years old this was a good sign cause it meant I could bunk school! Even now I love to get up to the sound and, for people who have the ability, smell of rain. I love it in the summer cause it’s a relief from the heat and it helps me be more observant to other things that usually I would pass by without a second glance.

The only time I don’t like the rain ironically, is in the monsoons. During this time the streets of Calcutta get flooded and it’s a pain to walk through them. However I love the rain every other time.

Whenever it rains I feel like all of my faults and problems get washed away, and more importantly, I feel so childlike. If its raining you will either find me sitting inside cross legged on the floor/sofa/chair/bed, drinking a hot cup of chocolate milk right in front of the window wishing I was outside or you will find me outside just standing still getting wet in the rain and loving every moment of it! Usually after such excursions I catch a cold, so sometimes I go for the third alternative, sleep on the couch curled up like a cat.

There are some people who hate the rain, some people who feel sad in the rain. I feel really bad for these people. The hate the rain and feel sad when they get wet cause there is no one who will cover them up, hold their hand, or even scold them because they will catch a cold. The feel lonely cause there is no one to give them a hand, or even care what happens to them. My cousin taught me this lesson when I was eleven.

He came down from Bangalore that time over to my place for the winter vacations cause he was bored of going to Kerela all the time. Now my cousin was, mind you was, now he looks terribly unfit, a Chick Magnet. He had enough charm in him to make girls follow him even when he was in his pajamas! ( We actually tried that when were going all around Calcutta in those horrible white pajamas and every girl he spoke to seemed to have a rise in there hormone levels while talking to him) Now one fine day this cousin of mine and me were stuck in December rain, we were at this roll shop in the Barracks area, I still love the egg rolls from that shop. While I was busy munching on my eggroll-with-no-onion rings, my cousin spotted this young girl who I swear looked like that girl-whose-name-i-cant-remember-now from the trio in that cartoon series Ninja Robots. Anyways, point being this girl was getting wet in the rain and you could make out that she was crying. My cousin, being the charmer and idiot he is( I could have sworn I saw from a distance a man who was eying them suspiciously and looked very much like her father…) went and offered jacket to her and offered to buy her a cup of tea. While she drank her tea she told her story, which I can’t remember now because I was watching this drunk man getting slipping on a puddle and falling every time he tried to get up, however I did get something about her being unhappy cause no one loved her, and her thinking about running away etc. etc. While she said this I could see the familiar “rise” in hormone levels all to clearly because of the “rain” (usually I would have stared like a kid stares at ice cream, but I was sensible enough to know I was supposed to play the part of the sweet younger brother, so I cast downcast eyes and employed a crimson blush to my ears) there was however a slight difference that even an idiotic dimwit of a kid like me could pick up was that there was a difference in her voice, the way she looked, the movement of her hands etc. she seemed happier, and even though she was talking about her problems, she didn’t seem troubled, but rather relived.

When it rains upon you, if there is some one who covers you up and scolds you for getting wet, don’t ever let that person go. These are the people who are the reason why you enjoy getting wet.

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