Monday, June 28, 2010

Just A Thought.

I'm gonna try and use this blog for something other than stories.
It's just a rant I guess.

Do you know how it feels when you see someone you like hurting, you wanna help that person but that person really doesn't really talk to you much anymore?

I have a friend, she and I were pretty close till about a year back when I guess I messed up things.
Yeah I was interested in her romantically, but I'm not anymore. I'm happy in a relationship and I got over her a long time ago. Sure we went on and off a couple of times, but it didn't last more than a week.

I dunno, she has been hurting pretty bad, yesterday was her birthday and she got dumped. I feel bad because I wanna help her out and try and comfort her. I'm not trying to get together with her again, I just wanna make her feel better for the sake of friendship.
But I really can't cause she doesn't really talk to me much anymore. I miss her...
It's funny how sometimes the people you really want as friends just drift away from you....
Anyway, dear person, whoever you are, if you know how I can help her, please leave a comment below.
I don't even know if anyone follows this blog.
Oh well.